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The Office

If your company failed to appear on a Nassau County 1st District Court date,  the company may have been fined thousands of dollars for having been found "guilty in absentia" of trucking violations. Did your company receive a notice like this?

0204789001627061028.jpgOr, did your company receive a demand from a collections agency to pay the fines?  There is an alternative to paying the fines. The remedy is a written application to vacate the default convictions called a "motion".  To be successful, the application must set forth a reasonable excuse for having failed to appear and a defense to the charges. For example, the driver failed to turn in the tickets to the company and the violations were corrected.    I have had over a hundred thousand of dollars in default convictions for companies vacated in the Nassau County 1st District Court. (and NYC Criminal Courts too).  Once the guilty pleas are vacated, the case is restored to the calendar and I can present evidence in your defense to resolve the case..    Â